Purpose & Core Value
- The spiritual awakening of the Korean diaspora in California, the restoration of the church, the revival of the local church, and the cultivation of the gospel workers dedicated to Jesus Christ through the preaching of the words of Jesus Christ.
- To cultivate a resurrectional preacher for this era, true worshippers and disciples of Jesus, and a heavy servant of prayer
2016, the 1st CABC
Theme: Word of Eternal Life, Jesus Christ (John 6:68)
Location: Pepperdine University
Rev. Seunghee Koh: John
Rev. Taehyung Ko: James & Judas
Rev. Sun Ik Kim: Levites
President Sang Myung Lee: Luke
Rev. Yongju Jee: Judges
2017, the 2nd CABC
Theme: Logos of Light, Jesus Christ (John 8:12)
Location: Murrieta Hot Springs Christian Conference Center
Rev. Taesan Kwon: Romans
Rev Sun Ik Kim: Job
Rev. Jong Sung Nam: 1 & 2 Thessalonians
President Junseo Park: Ezekiel
Rev. Byungjoo Song: Jonah
2018, the 3rd CABC
Theme: Gate of Salvation, Jesus Christ (John 10:9)
Location: Azusa Pacific University
Rev. Seunghee Ko: Hosea
Rev. Hanyo Kim: Joshua
Rev. Jongkey Min: Amos
Rev. Seungkun Park: Ephesians
President. Sangmyoung Lee: Galatians
2019, the 4th CABC
Theme: The Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ (John 10:9)
Location: Azusa Pacific University
Rev. Hyukbin Kwon: Revelations
Rev. Sunil Kim: 12 Books of Prophecies
Rev. Sunghwan Kim: Genesis
Rev. Wojun Kim: 1 John
President. Jungwoo Baek: Luth
About Logo
1. Paper
CABC logo images represent three pieces of paper. Paper is the subject of today's Bible, and it also means our soul where words are engraved.
2. Red Color
Red represents the torch that leads to the path of truth, and it also means the color of the immortal that Elijah had when he ascended.
3. Trinity
The three figures represent the three persons of God(Trinity), the Holy Father, Holy Son and the Holy Spirit. For more information, hover over the concept image below.
1. Torch
1. Torch Light
- The presense of God
- Wrath and judgment that destroys the enemy
- The protection and salvation that guide children.
- A beacon that lit the way in times of war.
- To make salvation appear like a torch (Isa62:1)
- The lost "land" of the decadent human race and the binding historical significance of restoring "His people."
2. Fire Horse
2. Horse of Fire
- When Elijah ascends, fire horses and chariots appear together under the guard of the heavenly army (2Kings 2:11)
- An army of the heavens (Rev 19:14) and an existence with combat capability.
3. Army of God
3. 하나님의 군대 (God's Army)
- 하나님의 용사
- 마하나임 - 하나님의 군대(창32:1-12)
4. Trinity
4. 삼위일체 하나님 (Trinity)
- The expression of the Father/Son/Holy Spirit in the form of three words or in the form of a torch.
- God of the Trinity (Day 5:5-8)